Low cost mining and modular process plant facilitate low capex and opex to produce high value REEs

Hard Rock

Significant time and cost to develop, complex processing, permitting issues, low product value



Ionic clays

  • Currently mined only in China, but resources depleting
  • 27% of global REE production (incl. illegal mines)

Hard rock

  • China dominates (>85%) global production of REEs

REE Assemblage

Ionic clays

  • Koppamurra could be a new single source of the REEs (Nd, Pr, Tb, Dy) used in rare earth permanent magnets

Hard rock

  • Monazite or bastnaesite ores which are typically higher in [light] REEs


Ionic clays

  • Typically smaller tonnage but higher value products

Hard rock

  • Typically require significant scale for economic viability


Ionic clays

  • Resources can be defined inexpensively and rapidly given shallow drilling using aircore, auger, push-tube core

Hard rock

  • Similar to other hard rock base metals requiring substantial drilling, geochemistry, geophysics etc


Ionic clays

  • Shallow free digging material with low strip ratio
  • Stripping and progressive rehabilitation

Hard rock

  • Drill and blast with significant mining fleet
  • Higher strip ratios or underground mining


Ionic clays

  • Simple metallurgy; clay is washed with a desorption agent to recover REEs
  • No toxic chemicals nor radioactive waste streams

Hard rock

  • Strong acids with high temperature +/- pressure
  • Radioactive tailings