Building prosperity

Our tenements are located in a region that’s home to some of the most precious environments that are nationally recognised for their strategic value, as a critical primary production area.

The rare earth elements AR3 are targeting in this region are critical to producing cleaner energy technologies, aimed at decarbonising economies and building a more sustainable future.

AR3s focus is to find ways to investigate and extract these minerals in a safe and responsible manner, with a focus on protecting the communities in which we operate.

Building trust, respect and acceptance in the community is at the core of our values.

We understand the importance of developing long lasting relationships with landowners, to enable us to conduct our business, to access land to explore and potentially develop the underlying rare earth resources. Engagement with our landholders forms a critical part of our activities.


AR3 are committed to always respecting landholders’ rights and will work in a respectful and courteous manner with all landholders within our tenure areas, acknowledging their operational constraints and enterprise values.

AR3 are committed to contributing to the communities where we operate, by employing local people, providing access payments to landholders, supporting local community groups, partnering with local schools to deliver rare earths educational resources and purchasing local goods and services wherever possible.

AR3 are committed to maintaining open and honest communication with our community and other stakeholders, to build respectful and positive relationships for the long term.

If you have any questions or concerns about our activities or just want to know more about our operations, please contact us, or register to receive our updates.

High School Teachers – show and tell at the warehouse

SE field day door prize winner – Rex Copping

Community Updates

Australian Rare Earths have an office in Naracoorte and members of the community are welcome to call in to discuss any thoughts or questions they have about the project.

Alternatively you could pop in and see us at the Naracoorte Show or the Lucindale Field Day, we’d love to have a chat with you if you’re passing. Keep an eye on the local paper or our facebook page for invitations to upcoming community events.

Koppamurra Landholder Reference Group

The Koppamurra Project Reference Group (KPRG) is made up of key stakeholders within and adjacent to the proposed ML area, namely Landowners who are predominantly Graziers and Croppers, Wine Growers, and 141 Plantations,  Limestone Coast Landscape Board, Wattle Range Council, Naracoorte Lucindale Council and the Rural Support Services.

It is intended that AR3 will meet regularly with the KPRG, to discuss the proposed Mining project. The agenda for the meetings will mostly be determined by the group, and will include presentations  and updates by Australian Rare Earths, third party technical experts,  DEM regulators and others, as required by the group.

A Summary of actions arising from the meetings will be published on this page.

If you have thoughts or questions that you would like discussed at the KPRG meetings, please fill in the feedback form below.

Meeting agenda and minutes

Community feedback

Please use the form below for feedback on the proposed Koppamurra Mining Lease application.